
Tuesday, May 21, 2019

Overview of Seven QC tools

Seven essential elements of Control Charts

1. Appropriate Scale: 
The scale should be selected in such a way that the natural variation of the process can be viewed easily.

2. Upper Control Limit (UCL) and 4. Lower Control Limit (LCL): 
The ability to determine outliers which signals special causes the control chart requires control limit based on the sampling distribution.

4. Center line: 
The control chart requires a centerline based on the sampling distribution in order to allow the determination of non-random patterns which signal special causes.

5. Subgroup Sequence / Timeline: 
Maintaining the sequence in which the data are collected provides indications of 'when' a special cause occurs and whether the special cause is time-oriented.

6. Identification of out-of-control plotted values: 
Plotted points which are out of statistical control should be identified on the control chart.

7. Event log: 
Besides the collection, Charting and analysis of data, additional supporting information should be collected. the information should include any potential sources of variation as well as any action taken to resolve out-of-control signals. When there has not been any change in the process between subgroups, it is not necessary to include an entry on the event log.

Sunday, May 12, 2019

What is a Turtle Diagram....Why it is required ?

Turtle Diagram is a Quality tool used for clear representation of Process Characteristics. It gives a complete overview of elements viz., Inputs, Process, Output, Man, Methods, Procedures, Process measures to both management and working levels to assist in planning, effective execution and improvement of key business processes. 

Monday, April 15, 2019

Six basic points to know before learning Statistical Process Control (SPC)/AIAG SPC manual


1. Gathering data and use of statistical methods are not end in themselves. It is very easy to become technical experts without realizing improvements. Enhanced knowledge of Statistical process control techniques should become the basis for taking action on the process.

2. Measurement systems are critical and it should be in a state of statistical control. Before you start SPC, make sure the Measurement System Analysis is reliable. More details can be obtained in the MSA manual from AIAG.

3. The basic concept of variation study and use of statistical methods can be applied to any process – Manufacturing as well as in administrative, service-oriented industries.

4. Historically, SPC is applied to products and not processes. The processes that generate output become the focus of our efforts to realize the full power of SPC.

5. Real understanding of the subject involves deeper contact with the actual process control situations. There is no substitute for hands-on experience.

6. The SPC manual should be considered as the first step towards the use of statistical methods. It provides generally accepted approaches, with examples. Readers are encouraged to pursue formal statistical education and or consult experts. In any event, procedures must satisfy the customer’s requirements.